Thursday, March 5, 2009

who knew?

We all thought Escher's work to be inexplicable until the recent discovery he was actually an economist.

Now I feel much better.

Mark McHugh - thanks, Lindsay!


  1. haha. mc escher was no mc hammer. i mean that in the best possible (though obscure) way.
    and poor economists don't get much love, do they? even though most economists recommend a balanced economy paired with a balanced budget.
    but risk analysts certainly need to come up with new financial models, because the old one didn't quite work, did it?
    to quasi/para-quote one of my favorite bloggers:
    attacking the problem analytically, analysts discovered three distinct kinds of risk: the mythical, the chimerical, and the purely hypothetical. They were all, one might say, nonexistent, but each nonexisted in an entirely different way.

  2. Hahaha! Yes, that explains it all!

  3. Oh great, now I'm going to be finding economic theories in Lautréamont's Maldoror and the Sporting News.

  4. sera - If we go to sleep at night with $50 in our purse and a $kazillion dollars in the world and awake the next day to find $10kazillion in the world, how much is our $50 worth?

    suzi - Does, don't it?

    randal - Logical explanations are everywhere including inside the vegies I cut up for dinner.

    lisa - Sad but true ;-)

  5. for now, $50 is still worth $50.
    but if one can stay current with their mortgage payments today, one might tomorrow pay the house off with those phony "skazillion" dollars instead of real ones.
    it's called deleveraging.

  6. between this and your comments/ers, I am feeling out of the loop and so must research, as often seems to happen to me lately with economic stuff and escher now needs research too...I am just baffled tonight and really should just shut up!


  7. I am sure all of the Economists got a chuckle out of (Mark McHugh‘s brilliant adaptation?) of the recent discovery of M. C. Escher’s art which proves he was actually an economist but in truth the Economists are all invariably thwarted by their political masters.

  8. i'm a big Escher fan from way back.... so was he a number crunching economist, or a philosophical economist...? they're 2 different animals. not even the same species, i think.

  9. lindsay - Yes, it was Mark McHugh. I'd saved the picture but not the link so thanks very much. Somehow a funny economist sounds like a contradiction in terms, doesn't it?

    gfid - 'a number crunching economist, or a philosophical economist?' In answer to your question my guess is that he was a futuristic economist.
