"I dreamed I climbed a tree in my Maidenform bra" and other pretty strange 'foundation garment' ads dominated women's magazines from 1949 to 1969 which was when so many women burned the damn things. I love this description: "Features include "spoke-stitched cups for Cleopatra curves," "reinforced undercups for everlasting uplift," and "all-elastic band for freedom of fit." Now does that sound comfortable? When I was in highschool most of the girls wore heavy duty bras and girdles probably at the insistence of their mothers who were well aware of the chastity belt aspect. Watching them getting dressed after gym class was very amusing especially since several of them actually had to jump up and down to get squeezed back into girdles that were entirely made from rubber. yuck.
Here I am between story posts but what prompted the bra thing was an article I read today about women having their plastic surgeries undone. Courtney Love apparently wants her lips back. Posh Spice has had her breast implants removed and Cher is thinking about having her lower ribs replaced. Ah, America! Gotta love it. It made me think about having my wrinkles replaced but then again.. maybe I'll just keep the ones I have and try a little decorative rearrangement with colored bandaids if I want an upbeat look.
Just so you know, I was working on a new picture story last weekend but it was very dark and it turns out not all true or even mostly true memories lend themselves to odd little posts that will entertain my friends and guests. Some, like that one, just appear pointless and sad. Such is life. There is another underway and all being well, it will be here in a couple of days. Meanwhile, if you haven't already, go read Scarlet's "Hold on to the mamm'ries" story. It's wonderful.
Hello, Susan.
ReplyDeleteAnd goodness! but that "everlasting uplift" sounds a bit like something which could have happened at Abu Ghraib.
There should really be firm limits on the amount of uplift those things might contain, based upon sustainability.
PT - You're right - sheer torture. Have you ever wondered what kind of world we'd have if men had to wear underwired jockey shorts? Perhaps some do.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure any story is pointless, but looking forward to your next one, nonetheless!
ReplyDeleteAs for the underwired jockey shorts, isn't that what Commander Codpiece was wearing? He won the battle of the bulge!
Less is more! -yours truly from the ity bity titty committee. =)
ReplyDeleteRandal - The story not posted had to do with the imminence of sudden death and not just from stepping off a sidewalk without looking. I may post it in future but it's a matter of approach when you're considering phobias.
ReplyDeleteCommander Codpiece is who I was thinking of - nice pick-up there!
Sarah - Welcome. I've been a longtime member of the same club and refused to wear any of them until time demanded.
I like you interlude as much as I liked the Maiden Form Women (sans girdle please).
ReplyDeleteI am always amazed at the stars that rebuild their looks for no other reason than vanity. They never seem to look right.
Natural is always better.
Hi mathman - I think natural is better too I'm very glad my husband agrees :-) It's a slippery slope once you let the plastics guys muck around. Just look at Michael Jackson - or maybe we'd rather not.
ReplyDeleteSusan, I hope you don't mind, I memed you.
ReplyDeleteCher is having her lower ribs replaced? That's just very odd. Having them taken out is almost as bad.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link and nice words.
Hi mathman - Goodness, memed by you directly and by Scarlet indirectly on the same day! Okay, I'll give it a try but memes like chain letters stop with me. I only have a few visitors and most of them are you so what's the point, eh?
ReplyDeleteScarlet - It's how she's reputed to have that long, lean look - for the costumes, you know :-)
having been a clothing designer in a past life, i've done some studying of the whole fashion thing... mostly devised by men, who didn't have to wear the wretched stuff. a 'decent' woman didn't go anywhere in public without a girdle. and, in the glam circles just after WW2, women were told that if their cocktail dresses weren't too tight to allow them to sit down, they didn't fit properly.... there was no spandex in those pencil skirts.... and "always remember, dear, you are an appendage of your husband. your purpose is to make him look good."
ReplyDeleteGFid - What you say is all too true yet there were many who didn't go along with the program. I'm still amazed by the constant variety of people and the way the very design of our bodies determines the way we conduct our lives. It's kind of like 'here's your costume, so this is the part you get to play this time around'.
ReplyDeletevery true, thanks be to the quirky gods of non - conformity.... i was thinking mostly of 'haute couture' when i wrote that.