Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Hummingbird (and extras)

 So small and fair;
A sun-dyed dew-drop born with wings.
'Neath Cuphea's coral cup it swings,
And to the winded flower clings
As if grown there.

~ Ira Billman

Some things are good in this world - like capturing a picture of this most ephemeral of birds. I was most pleased :)

Some things are evil in this world - the words of Major General Smedley Butler ring as true today as they did in 1935 when his famous speech was first published. It begins:

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

As George Carlin said:

'I like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It's so fuckin' heroic.'



Be well. Keep smiling



  1. A very moving description of a hummingbird. And such wisdom to follow! You have started my Monday in style. Thank you.

  2. Good morning, Tom. There are some who improve the human world - you among them :)

  3. So good to see you. Carlin was prophetic about our current times, it seems.

  4. I'm happy to see you too, Mike. I'd check in more often but your blog is closed.
    George Carlin was a master of vision.

    1. I've stopped blogging, said pretty much what I had to say. Current events speak for themselves, it seems. I'm ok, being 78 has it's trials, but what doesn't.

  5. We're of an age, Mike. I don't have much left to say either but it's good
    to check in with friends now and then. I'm always glad to see you here.

    1. You convinced me, not that it took much. I'll do a post in a day or so on my blog. Thanks, Susan.

    2. I'll look forward to that, Mike :)

  6. What a pleasure for my eyes to see you posting, Susan, and Mike dropping by. My heart soars like a falcon in the air. ;-)
    I hope life is treating you and Jer kindly, as well as Benj.
    As for Carlin: A good one he was.
    The peace of the night!

    1. Good morning, Sean, it's always good to see you too. My heart flutters like a hummingbird :) Well, no, really that would be a problem, wouldn't it? We're fine
      and trust you and your family likewise.
      Carlin was right then and just as correct now. Sheesh..
      Peace and love to you.

  7. I haven't checked in here in quite awhile. Not sure why. The why is not important and besides, I'd probably come up with some mealy mouthed excuse out of embarrassment. Just felt the urge to see what you've done with the place and compliment you on keep the blog flame alive. There are far fewer of us than there used to be.

  8. Nice to see you again too, MRM. I've never had a reason to join social media platforms other than looking at the odd twitter post. In fact, I've only made occasional appearances here since 2018. Blogger was always the best site for mutual entertainment and opinions. I'll come by to visit. :)
