Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas in Jerusalem 1921



When three Abrahamic religions lived in peace.

Christmas was cancelled in Bethlehem in 2023.




  1. What a contrast to today. Today, one kidnaps the other, murders them, the other retaliates, bombs them, kills children, none seem willing to stop. I don't know what has happened to the world to make us so divisive...but it's endemic...name a country that is united in helping people, making the world a better place, working to find peace. No? I don't know one either.

  2. Ach, what a pity not being able to directly answer "Should Fish More", any more.

    1. Not sure you remember me. Despite being a lazy blogger I enjoyed visiting your blog. And yes, I do miss you, And I do hope life is treating you kindly.

    2. I do remember you! It's what I had for breakfast that I can't remember, lol.
      I stopped blogging about a year ago, I found I had less and less inclination to blog, and my post were getting uninteresting even to me.
      I'm ok, got a few of the 78y/o complaints, but I'm still on the right side of the grass.
      Nice of you to remember.

  3. Mike and Sean
    It's nice to see you both. Blogger appears to have changed a bit since I keep showing up as 'anonymous' when I attempt to answer a comment. Oh well..

    While I can say while I'm sad, disgusted, dismayed, dumbfounded, aghast, staggered and shocked about the current situation it's definitely been ongoing since 1948. Now we get to see it on our screens - through our tears.

    Among the many wise things Albert Einstein said this is one of my favorite quotes: “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

    Peace to you both.
    and love, Susan

    1. I"m dismayed at the intractability of both 'sides' of this conflict, and the same with the people defending either 'side'.
      It appears that if you protest the Gaza deaths of civilians and children, it makes you a Hamas supporter, and a anti-Semite.
      Same goes if one expresses sympathy for Israel for the murder of a thousand plus, you are a nazi supporter.
      I have no solution...if every President and State department of the last several Presidents can't make a dent in the issue, I sure can't.
      Hope the new year finds you well.

    2. Well put, indeed, Mike. Happy New Year.

  4. You put it well, Mike. But I'm afraid recent administrations haven't put much real effort into solving the problem you describe. It likely will be left to others or that alternative none of us like to consider becomes ever more inevitable.

    Best wishes to you and your family for the New Year.

  5. Lovely to hear from you again. Recently had massive computer problems but have now converted from Windows XP (I think!) to Windows 11 --- in one jump. Recovered, pretty well, from upper lip carcinoma (and three missing stitches) just in time to wish you all the best for 2024 and beyond.

  6. Hi Tom,
    It's good to see you too. Stay well and let's hope the New Year is good for us all.
    💖 Susan
