Saturday, August 20, 2011


  1. This is the greatest thing I've seen in aeons, or at least since yesterday. I'm gonna sign up for Facebook so I can like this.

  2. Nice bit of retrospective futurism, where our predecessors deride us as absurd.

    It makes up for all our interfering contemporaries who contemptuously dismiss earlier generations for their reckless inventions, addictions and prejudices---none of which have been eliminated from the present, fortunately. Because in today's climate anyone who tried to introduce them would be slapped down.

    No, I refuse to be more specific!

  3. randal - I can Dig that.

    vincent - You don't have to be more specific in a world where so many are certain of their own particular opinions.

    ittdgy - Perfect example. btw: welcome

  4. Some of the best social commentary I've encountered all year!

  5. Haha, excellent. I wish it weren't satire!

  6. we were having a rare moment of leisure loafing and conversation this evening. my god daughter (age 14) going on about how she remembers a time when every kid didn't have a hand held computer. my daughter (age 33) recalling a time when no one had a computer of any kind. and i wowed 'em both by remembering a time when no one i knew even had a telephone, let alone having even heard of such a thing as a computer. then god daughter sat down on the couch with the laptop, to chat w friends on facebook, daugher curled up in an armchair to have a phone text conversation w a long distant friend, and i sat down to my completely un-electronic harp.... how the 'family time' spent in the living room together has changed, but remained the same :0)

  7. which was all meant to say that your post is a scream, but oh, so true.

  8. How hilarious! Did you create the captions? It is really rich. :)

  9. gemel - Me too.

    the crow - I thought so as well.

    jams - If only..

    gfid - I know having access to these things can be useful and even necessary sometimes but I'm very glad I don't have to. There are advantages to being old.. or at least old-fashioned.

    lydia - I wish I had but it was something unattributed I found.

  10. I'm right behind Randal with the liking this. I guess that's what people do on Facebook right, they "like" things. ;0

  11. Glad I didn't miss this one! :-D

  12. thatgirl - and all too true.

    liberality - To think humanity spent thousands of years learning to communicate..

    gina - Me too :-)

  13. How unfortunate that the correct answer to all of those questions is, "Yes!"

    Thanks for passing this gem along! :)

  14. cr - Unfortunate but true.. and also funny.
