Please visit Ces's blog to be see the beauty of her artwork and read her inspiring posts. She dedicated the first of these awards to her friend Deborah who is a poet and mother of a son posted in Afghanistan. Below is part of what she had to say.
“So today I am planting another tree. The Quercus shumardii or Shumard Oak. It is a handsome large tree with straight axis and broad, rounded open crown. It withstands strong hurricane winds, extreme heat, is tall and straight and just plain beautiful. I have more trees to plant but rest assured those who have virtual trees and acorns planted and distributed in their honor have one common virtue, they are loyal friends regardless of race, creed, political affiliations and geography. Here, I honor womanhood and friendship and there is nothing more wondrous a blessing for anyone than for a friend who came and never left your side.”
Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest, but who came and never left your side.
Three on Linda's list of sisterfriends are already longtime members of the phantsy blog roll and must be noted as dear friends of mine too:
Gina the Pagan Sphinx whose history of art posts, photographs and political opinions are always a delight to read.
Lisa of That's Why who writes absolutely side-splitting dialog and beautifully pointed descriptions of contemporary life.
Belette known as La Belette Rouge. She's an incredibly talented biographer able to describe her life in a way that models the experience of many different women.
I have other friends on my blog roll I'd like to present the award to as well. Some I've known for a long time and we still visit regularly. Others I've known a long time but we don't often manage to spend much time visiting. That's the way things go in this world of diamonds dancing where we flash facets at one another and move on through the gavotte. There are some new friends too. It's always good to see how others see the world we share and what it is they do to help make it a better place for everyone.
There's the Border Explorer who stands in the margins shoulder to shoulder with the marginated at our border with Mexico. She's a brave and strong lady.
Sera of Encore Seraphine is a graphic artist of extraordinary ability who shares subtle and wise insights of the complexity of modern life.
G-Fid, aka Granny Fiddler who lives in the far north of Canada, is a concert violinist and the proud powerhouse of a new Habitat For Humanity Re-Store. She's not that old either.
Freida Bee of Freida Bee, MD who may or may not be a doctor but who does write hilarious posts and hopefully, will one day get paid for writing.
Nunly of Bad Habit is a very good Catholic girl who calls 'Bullshit' when she finds it. Nunly makes me laugh and that's a good thing.
Jams O'Donnell of The Poor Mouth is Irish (as you likely guessed) and posts about politics, art, music and European culture.
CDP of CDP. She writes with discernment and humor about her life, family and working for the Man - as well as continued school. Yow.
Liberality of Liberality is a librarian, liberal, mother, feminist and Buddhist. What she writes is worth reading.
Kirie of Three Little Chickies is a poet, writer and mother. That last word says a lot.
Nancy, whose Life in the Second Half was named a Blog of Note last year is a woman of peripatetic interests. She likes to initiate discussions about philosophical topics that inspire people to think outside the box.
Marja-Leena has a blog named Marja-Leena Rathje is a well known print artist in Canada. You can link to the beautiful photographs of her work but her blog is much about her travels, friends and thoughts.
Suzi of Suzi Riot may be a lawyer by now and if she is she's out there raising a shit storm over our not very socially responsible government. You go Grrrl!
Martha is Sofie One Crow and should be a poet known to everyone. She writes beautifully about many subjects with deep meaning to all our hearts.
Utah has a blog called Utah Savage who lives in and writes about that great bastion of bizarre culture, Salt Lake City. She is also the author of a magnificently heart rending novel about growing up as the beautiful daughter of a jealous mother and other assorted traumas. She is still beautiful and brave too.
I offer this lovely award to all. Thank you.
ps - Boys can be sisters too if you want.
Congratulations on your award and thanks so much for passing it on.
ReplyDeleteDon't be surprised if Randal shows up in a dress demanding an award,too. Let me know if he does, I'd pay money to see that. ;-)
Having you and Crow as blog pals is a privilege. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
ReplyDeleteThe best part about these award gigs is the chance to check out new digs. Hey, that rhymes!
ReplyDeleteDemanding an award, what do I look like, a politician? And sorry, my sultry torch song gown is at the dry cleaners. ;-)
Congratulations on your award! What a lovely surprise to see my name here! What an honour to be included in this amazing group of creative women, thank you!! I look forward to getting to know some of the others...
ReplyDeletecongratulations on your blog award susan. and thank you for sharing it. you are a wonderful friend, talented and caring. hugs.
ReplyDeletenunly - Hah! I'd pay money just to see him - dress or no ;-)
ReplyDeleteliberality - It's mutual.
randal - That's true. Maybe I'll just draw a picture of you in the sultry gown.
marja-leena - Blog awards are a nice way of expressing appreciation for one another and as introductions too.
sera - They are all for sharing after all :-)
Congratulations on your well-deserved award, Susan.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the lovely compliment you've paid me by including my name with so many people I admire. You are too kind.
the crow - You definitely deserve many awards.
ReplyDeleteCongrats, and thank you sooo much! I feel so honored to be included. I will check out the other blogs. Anything that interests you, will certainly interest me!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you for this! And thank you for naming me in your list of fabulous bloggers. What great company to be in!
ReplyDeleteshucks... i'm all flustered... and a bit outclassed in such company, i think, but very grateful for the kind words.